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همچنان مشخص نیست که برداشت توکن فقط به صرافی Cex امکان پذیره یا میتوان به کمک کیف پولهای غیر حضانتی هم برداشت کرد.
جواب کوییز های بازی cex.io
آخرین سوالها و جوابهای منتشر شده به شرح زیر است:
Task: Al and Crypto: Can Artificial Intelligence Predict the Market?
1. What does AI in crypto compare to?
A digital crystal ball
2. What does AI analyze to predict crypto market trends?
Social media posts, trading volumes, and price trends
3. What’s the role of historical data in AI predictions?
It helps AI spot trends but doesn’t guarantee future outcomes
4. Why isn’t AI perfect for crypto predictions?
It relies on historical data and probabilities
5. What can algorithmic trading bots NOT do?
Feel emotions or provide reassurance during market dips
6. What does the script warn about trusting AI blindly?
AI isn’t a crystal ball and can make mistakes
7. How fast can trading bots execute trades?
In milliseconds
8. Can AI predict sudden market crashes caused by tweets?
No, AI can’t predict unpredictable events
9. What is algorithmic trading?
Bots executing trades based on AI predictions
10. What’s one risk mentioned about everyone using AI in crypto trading?
Markets could become oversaturated with similar strategies
11. What is the main takeaway from the video?
Al is a powerful tool but doesn’t replace research and caution
12. What does sentiment analysis help Al determine?
Whether traders are feeling bullish or bearish
13. What dose the script compare Al in crypto to?
A digital crystal ball
Task: Task: Bitcoin Halving: What You Need to Know in 2 Minutes
1. What’s the total cap on Bitcoin’s supply?
21 million
2. How do miners earn Bitcoin?
By verifying transactions
3. How often does the halving occur?
Every four years
4. What kind of event is the halving historically?
Exciting and speculative
5. What’s a potential downside of the halving?
Miners earning less
6. What is Bitcoin halving?
An event that cuts miner rewards in half
7. What is the current Bitcoin block reward?
6.25 BTC
8. What economic principle is linked to the halving?
Supply and demand
9. What’s the cap on new Bitcoin entering circulation?
It’s limited by halvings
10. What happens if too many miners quit?
The network adjusts its difficulty
11. What will the next block reward be after the halving?
3.125 BTC
12. Why does the halving happen?
To control Bitcoin’s supply