پس از مدت ها بالاخره ایردراپ صرافی کوئیز Cex اعلام کرده ۲۲ دسامبر اسنپ شات خواهد گرفت و آماده برای لیست کردن توکن خواهند شد.
همچنان مشخص نیست که برداشت توکن فقط به صرافی Cex امکان پذیره یا میتوان به کمک کیف پولهای غیر حضانتی هم برداشت کرد.
جواب کوییز های بازی cex.io
Task: Master Crypto Charts: Tips for Beginners?
آخرین سوالها و جوابهای منتشر شده به شرح زیر است:
1. What is The Graph’s (GRT) price mentioned in the video?
2. What can Aptos (APT) be compared to in the script?
A superhero in the crypto world
3. What is Immutable (IMX) primarily used for?
Enabling gas-free NFT creation and trading
4. What is The Graph (GRT) often compared to?
Google for blockchain data.
5. How does Render (RNDR) contribute to the metaverse?
By connecting artists with unused GPU power.
6. What is Arbitrum known for?
Helping Ethereum with faster and cheaper transactions.
7. How does Render (RNDR) help digital creators?
It provides GPU power for rendering visual content.
8. What is a key benefit of Aptos (APT)?
It promises both speed and security.
9. What is the main takeaway from the video?
These altcoins are unique, lesser-known, and can be traded on CEX.IO.
10. What makes Immutable (IMX) attractive to gamers?
Zero gas fees for NFT trading.
11. What is Arbitrum’s trading price mentioned in the script?
Around $1
12. Where can all the altcoins mentioned in the video be traded?